1. Why are you running? I understand that unity for the community is the goal, but to be candid, that is incredibly broad. What are you seeking to change?
2. I understand the extensive background in leadership but am uncertain of the platform and goals.
The first priority for me is to ensure the safety and well-being of the entire Grey Forest community by reestablishing a 24/7 Grey Forest Police force that engages in a proven process called community policing. Research data reveals that community policing markedly improves attitudes and trust among neighbors. The program is responsive to citizen needs and deters criminal behavior. The attachment in regards to the Grey Forest Police Department shows that Grey Forest was running a lean police force and getting positive results with the 24/7 GFPD prior to the current mayor’s policy. My #1 priority is to build positive relationships and restore our safety net that can be provided by the GFPD. See Attachment.
The second priority for me involves our valued resources and the quality of life that those resources provide (i.e. A robust tree canopy, a superior water system, plentiful green spaces, and our main revenue source- Grey Forest Utilities (GFU provides 80%-90% of our entire revenue stream for the city of Grey Forest). With many other citizens concerned about the encroaching housing development by Lennar Homes and the proposed waste water plant that would release one million gallons of treated waste water per day into Helotes creek and into the Edwards Aquifer contributing zone, I testified at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Subsequently, I have joined a number of concerned citizens led by scientists at Southwest Research Institute, Edwards Aquifer experts (Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance), and neighbors to either stop the aggressive development and wastewater plant or persuade Lennar Homes to develop responsibly (i.e. a higher grade wastewater plant that can actually prevent pharmaceuticals, drugs like fentanyl and hormonal products from being released into our water system or reduced the number of homes (3000 to 1500) and install septic systems instead of a wastewater plant.
The third priority for me is to build partnerships that will help us preserve Grey Forest as one of the most unique cities in Texas. I bring positive relationships with other city leaders and staff, elected officials at County, State and Federal levels and I am comfortable reaching out to additional partners that could maximize our city services for our citizens.